Tips For Preventing a Cockroach Infestation

Cockroaches love to hide in warm, dark spots while they wait for feeding time at night. Eliminate their hiding places by sweeping and vacuuming hard floors daily.

Clean the kitchen sink area regularly and wipe countertops each night before leaving the house. Keep food in airtight containers in the pantry and cupboards.

Prevent Cockroaches from Entering Your Home

Prevent Cockroaches from Entering Your Home

The best way to exterminateur cafard from entering your home is to make it difficult for them to do so. Cockroaches are drawn to warm, dark spots where they can hide during the day and come out at night to forage for food. Eliminate hiding spots by removing clutter, including stacks of cardboard boxes and paper bags. Store food in sealed containers and eliminate crumbs on counters and in cupboards by cleaning frequently and getting into a habit of throwing away any leftovers and unused foods before they spoil.

Fixing leaky pipes, regularly emptying pet water dishes and addressing moisture problems around the house can also deny cockroaches access to the water they need. This helps to prevent them from breeding and growing in numbers that could lead to an infestation.

Eliminate Their Food Sources

As omnivorous scavengers, cockroaches feed on a variety of foods and materials in the wild. Outdoors, they seek out rotting or dead plant material. Indoors, cockroaches scavenge on any food source they can find, including paper and cardboard. These pests can live for a month on glue from the back of a postage stamp, so keeping your house clean is key.

Cockroach faeces can contaminate food and water sources. They also spread disease. These pests pick up and spread 33 kinds of bacteria on the spines of their legs while crawling through decaying matter. They can then transfer those germs to human beings when they eat contaminated food or touch cockroach skin.

To keep cockroaches from entering your home, thoroughly sweep floors and vacuum or mop frequently. Store food in sealed containers, and take out the trash daily. Lastly, use Borax or food-grade diatomaceous earth around the home to dehydrate these insects. The Madagascar hissing cockroach (Blattella hissing), for example, can survive without a mouth or head by breathing through holes in its body segments.

Eliminate Their Water Sources

Eliminate Their Water Sources

Cockroaches need water to survive and breed. They are incredibly indiscriminate eaters and will consume anything that is edible to them including wallpaper paste, grease, hair, glue, excrement and more. In order to limit their ability to breed and spread around your home, you should make sure that the areas where cockroaches are most likely to hide are kept clean. This includes fixing leaks in plumbing and ensuring that there are no piles of wet towels or clothes lying around.

Since cockroaches are nocturnal, seeing one during the day is an indicator that there could be a significant infestation in your home. If you see a large number of cockroaches in your house during the day, then it is probably time to call in some pest control services. It is also a good idea to regularly take out the trash, keep kitchen and bathroom cabinets clear of dirty dishes, ensure that food in pantries are sealed, and don’t leave pet foods or uneaten crumbs on counters.

Keep Your Home Clean

Even the cleanest homes can provide a decent environment for cockroaches to survive. Cockroaches hide during the day in dark, quiet areas like behind picture frames or in hollowed-out wood. They can also hide in small cracks in cabinets or wall voids. During the summer, cockroaches can climb inside air conditioning vents to seek cooler hiding spots, and during fall they may try to ride out colder temperatures by entering through gaps and cracks in doors and windows.


To make your home less cockroach-friendly, wipe down counters and utensils every night and sweep hard flooring daily. Vacuum your house regularly, and use an attachment to get into tight corners where cockroaches like to hide. Empty trash bins often, avoiding leaving overflowing or spilled items in and around them. Store food in sealed containers. Ensure that all pet food bowls are empty at night and that all loose foods are kept in closed, secure containers. Fix dripping faucets and leaky pipes and declutter rooms to limit places for cockroaches to hide.